Monday, June 2, 2014

Why such a great idea communism was defeated by the democracy years after years? Is really communism, great? Does it express the interest of the community?
I am not daring to say that communism is a F**King idea. Instead of, I loudly and bravely tell you that communism is like the other religions and great thoughts. If it’s like religious belief, then why it is banishing years after years! The answer is simple- ‘many world religions had gone forever.’
Religion is killed by religion, not by people. It’s the nature of human religion. One of my friends argues that you know what- communism is not a religion, it’s mainly eco-political ideology. I smiled- communism could not cover the whole human life and maybe that was one of the reasons to die.

 By the way, today I desire to share my own thoughts that why Communism is F**Ked by Democracy in the past few decades.

Before talking about that topic, I want to convey my own opinions about the intrinsic nature of us (human). From the begging of human life, what we always wanted to do? Dominate! Dominated! And Dominate!
We dominated, dominate and will overshadow the masses with the aid of our wealth, muscle, power and mental capacity. We (Human) made us (Human) slave, defence and soldier. We all know about the great king Cyrus, Alexander and so many great warriors and the story of their glorious victories. Do you ever think what make them great? Kill! Slaughter! Fire! And Blood. The nature of human life never changes and the habit of dominate-killing stay with us as long as the civilization exists. So, if we think, there are some people in the world who are not greedy for money, power and wealth. I assure you that you are totally wrong. Every human has some interest to some specific things, it will be sex or wealth or power or fame. No-Interest only exists in the life of the machine.

If someone asks me that please tell me in a single line, what is really communism? I stare at him/her and say let’s start a short story.
There are only three cities in a world long away from our universe. Every city has 20 inhabitants. The name of the first city is Communism, second one is Democracy and the third one is Commucracy. The people of Communism gather in place and select five people who maintain their wealth, properties and rights. Everyone produces as their ability and save the production in the warehouse which is maintained and is owned by the selected five people. They propagate all the productions equally among the twenty (20) people and bring peace in the community. And also there is a universal rule- doesn’t dare to share your idea and labour with the cities of Democracy and Commucracy.
 One the other hand, In the city of Democracy, people resolve that they produce as they wish and there are also some selected people who only help the manufacturer and try to establish relationships with the city of Commucracy to make a dependable market for their wares.
The people of Commucracy sometimes make liaison with Democracy and sometimes with Communism. Years after years they follow their grandfather’s path.

Only after 50 years, the people of Communism fall into great problem, their production decreases and 10 people start to starve day after day lack of foods. There is no reserve in their warehouse! But they produced tons of foods in the previous year. On the other hand, the selected five people are eating pizza and drinking champagne in their palace. One day six people saw that it was their mistake to move over all the power to the few people. They gathered more than 12 people who starve day after day, killed the devil and try to bring peace with the help of the city of Democracy.

The man asked me:
And so what did happen to the city of Democracy and why there was no revolution like the city of Democracy? Was there any starving people?

Why not, there almost 10 people were starving one or two-times in the day but not the solid day. But the selected three (3) people always try to make happy about the other 7 people who were the producers.
And the producers give work to the other 10 people for eating food at least one time in a day. Although the producers possess the ability to cater to the workers the whole day meals, but it reduces their amount of profit. So they find out a great idea and declare that the more you work, the more you get.  The producers know that it’s not possible to work 24 hours for a labour in the day and on the other, labour is always fighting to increase his/her productivity to get more. So there is no time for thinking about their right and revolution.



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